The Sunday Prompt...

What are three small victories I've achieved lately?

1) A skip has been ordered as a prelude to decluttering and redecorating the house. We all need to start somewhere. 

 2) I moved my blog from WordPress to Blogger - YAY!! But still have no content - Oh. 

 3) I finished reading War and Peace. This is a lie. I finished reading Reinsurance in Practice by RJ Kiln. -  this is another lie. As an aside, I once owned two copies of Reinsurance in Practice - one copy was forced upon me by my boss, the other was given to me by my dad. I don't know anybody who has read beyond the first page because it is so boring. My copies were donated to charity as sleeping aids. I now discover that the book retails for £75. Mine were both first editions. I don't own any copies of War and Peace.

 4) I took a decent picture of a butterfly, although on reflection it looks as though it has pink fluff sticking out of its arse... 



  1. A skip ?!
    Will there be a tv-programme "How I overcame my hoarding problem" ?
    You are a courageous woman.

    1. Mr Mags - I was considering less of a tv programme and more of a short blog post with before and after pictures, because the before and after shots are the only bits that people are interested in!

  2. I can't wait for Reinsurance in Practice by RJ Kiln - the musical! Jx

    1. Jon - Funny, I now have Money by Pink Floyd chinking through my head. The musical has got to be more fun than the book!

  3. Replies
    1. What can I say, Ms Nations? I have a lot of rubbish to get rid of! My first draft of this post blathered on and explained that I had a lot of old smelly carpet to get rid of. Perhaps I edit myself too much??

  4. I love throwing out stuff, whatever mental problem causes hoarding, I seem to have the opposite.

    1. Mr Peenee - I still have my exercise books from Primary school! I think I am on the hoarding spectrum as I wallow in sentimentality, and nostalgia. I know my life would be easier if I got rid of my baggage. Or at least got most of it up in the loft!

  5. YAY!!!!!!! What next now? Will Mistress MJ be back to host a huge cock out and Blogger Reunion Party?!?!?!??!

    1. Maddie - I hope Mistress MJ will be back! A reunion party would be wonderful!

  6. My comment seems to have disappeared.? Are you sure you made a wise move? LMAO!!!!

    1. Bizarrely, this was your only comment in my spam box!!!

  7. And a tidbit being back, you may have to learn to check spam comment. I have upwards of 3 to 6 everyday anymore, and I always forget to check my spam comments. It drives me nuts, and not sure why these go into spam in the first place.

    And I meant to say, that butterfly picture is stunning. I've not seen one like that here.

    Now I swear, I'm slipping out the back for good this time.

  8. Mistress M - I have checked my spam, and every word is now present and correct!
    I think it's a Peacock butterfly, and is common throughout the UK - but very pretty.
    You may stay as long as you like - it's very quiet here on Blogger!!

  9. I've just finished the Collected Works of Shakespeare. This is a lie. I haven't read Reinsurance in Practice. This is true. Like Mr Peenee I am the opposite of a hoarder. If anything at all looks redundant, out it goes. And like Steve I'm amazed you need a skip. What on earth are you discarding - half a dozen stuffed elephants?
    I've now subscribed to your email notifications of new posts. So I might be a bit more prompt in commenting.

  10. It's a shame you donated your book to charity I do like a gripping page turner, we could have done a swap, your Reinsurance in Practice by RJ Kiln for The Weaver and the Abbey: The Quest for a Secret Monastery in the Andes by Michael Brown a 10th birthday present from my grandma and grandad, it had a £10 note inside and I was told to buy something nice with it.

  11. It makes me think of my attempts at reading Charles Dickens. A Tale of Two Cities starts with the longest run-on sentence I've ever read at a hefty two pages and a paragraph! If he were not dead already, I'd have written him something to the effect of: "My Dear Mister Dickens, One must remember to breathe with the appropriate placement of periods." Why did U.S. high school English classes insist on reading such old school sentences when we were not allowed to write with such a lacking distain for periods and short sentences?

    I don't know what kind of man Mister Dickens was, but his stories are rather dour. I do like movies based on his book A Christmas Carol. The Muppets and the Bill Murray ones being by favorites.

    Ta-ta for now Ms Scarlet!

    Life is too short to read books you don't like!

    1. I just have to say, try listening to the Audible version of A Tale of Two Cities, it's read by Simon Callow who manages to make it flow like a river of warm chocolate.

  12. Oh a dumpster. I do enjoy learning your slang. Our 2016 election had been called a dumpster fire. Wondering, did the Brits change that to skip fire?
    At first glance I thought your picture was a colorful moth. I don't really know the difference between a moth and butterfly. They probably use different slang.

  13. A skip, wow?!
    I look froward to all the before and after pictures. X

  14. I didn't use a skip when we were moving from Savannah. Instead, we contacted an auction house/estate sale to come and decide what was worth selling after I packed up what I wanted. We made enough to cover the cost of the moving truck and housing for the MITM and The Doc as they drove across the country! Go figure, right? xoxo

  15. :: sneaks in hopefully undetected ::

    Something something holiday-in-a-skip something Ooh, a butterfly! And a very pretty one at that - no tattered wing tips for that peacock. I like a red admiral too, and have some photos of a couple that I must pop up on the blog at some point.

    I hope the decluttering & redecorating is going well? Hopefully you finished one before starting the other?

