Dear Mr Devine....

....please could you reinstate my old Wonky Words blog back to the premier position on your sideboard.

I have my reasons. And a very pleasant surprise for you.

Thank you,


For anyone else interested in knitwear, it's HERE 

The Sunday Prompt...

What are three small victories I've achieved lately?

1) A skip has been ordered as a prelude to decluttering and redecorating the house. We all need to start somewhere. 

 2) I moved my blog from WordPress to Blogger - YAY!! But still have no content - Oh. 

 3) I finished reading War and Peace. This is a lie. I finished reading Reinsurance in Practice by RJ Kiln. -  this is another lie. As an aside, I once owned two copies of Reinsurance in Practice - one copy was forced upon me by my boss, the other was given to me by my dad. I don't know anybody who has read beyond the first page because it is so boring. My copies were donated to charity as sleeping aids. I now discover that the book retails for £75. Mine were both first editions. I don't own any copies of War and Peace.

 4) I took a decent picture of a butterfly, although on reflection it looks as though it has pink fluff sticking out of its arse...