The Daily Prompt: What is one thing I wish I could tell my future self?

No, I do not want to speak to my future self. What is the point of that? She is probably completely addled and in need of having her incontinence pants changed. Surely she should be instructing me by giving me a hot tip for the 4.30 at Chepstow, or such like. A heads up for this weeks lottery numbers would be nice.

I would have nothing to tell her because my future self would have already told herself everything that she thought she needed to know. For example: wear wellingtons this afternoon because it's going to rain.

What a daft prompt. My future self is in the next 60 seconds. I may as well write a To Do list.


  1. It is a particularly daft prompt, unless they’re thinking you’ll be senile and won’t remember being your current self, in which case they should specify that!

    Good luck in your new blogging home. X

    1. It is daft, isn’t it, Eryl? It’s not just me is it? You’ve hit the ball with the bat there though - there are not enough specifics.
      My first imaginings were of me talking to a very old, decrepit version of myself, and then I rebuked myself for jumping to conclusions. I realised that I could be talking to myself this afternoon, which made the conversation much easier, probably more prosaic, and not at all unusual.

  2. What does one bring to a housewarming party these days?

  3. Mistress - Cake! It’s always got to be cake!

  4. A reminder to one and all to update your sideboards with Miss Scarlet's new address.

    1. Indeed, that would be helpful. I have missed this rolling type of blogroll so much, I’m a little bit besotted with it at the moment.

    2. Yes, and Ms Nations has rediscovered the old clip - sensibly I didn't click on it!

  5. "My future self is in the next 60 seconds." - You are right. I like your logic.
    I've updated my blogroll. Years ago I decided to move the sidebar thing to a linked page. Your move back to blogger had me fussing with that setup and discovered I had these old post sitting around in draft. Hmm, a daft draft.
    Also, I just want to say you post on the wordpress site had me mixed up with tosh and posh. Words are wonderful and confusing at the same time.

    1. I am a very logical creature, Bill! And I’m pleased I helped you find your old drafts - I should give you a plug! Yes, words wonderful, and wonky!
      Thank you for adding me.

  6. Sadly, after all my encouraging hype about blogger, now I can't add your new address to my Blogroll! *jesus wept* I'm not sure what's going on, sweetpea! xoxo

    1. One thing I’ve noticed about Blogger is that I now have to remember to save every tiny edit in different areas of the Layout Page. It had me a bit baffled at the weekend, until I noticed the save disk. Has it always been like that?

  7. Savvy - Maybe I haven’t clicked on a feed setting or something?
    Anyhow, I am back here now, and I do feel excited to be back!

  8. Just whose "Daily Prompt" is that? It's weird and quite illogical. Jx

    1. Jon - The prompt is from my One Day journal app! I love it really, and the daft prompts often make me laugh.

  9. you dont need to tell your fututre self anything because you will already know it, given that its you. in the future.
    welcome back to blogger. many complain about blogger but i've never had any issues with it

    1. Kylie - So far, so good on Blogger - it feels easier and less cumbersome than WordPress, but I don't really know why!

  10. How do i subscribe to this? I need to know so I can sort out the muddle I've already made on my site!

    1. Dinah - I will have a look and see if there's a subscribe gadget that I can add to the side board - I'll have a look at some other blogs and see how they work it.

    2. Thank you, Jon! Done!!
      There you go, Dinah, a subscribe button - and I've subscribed myself and all good!
      Everyone needs a IT/Blogger consultant!

  11. I love to-do lists; I always include "Write to-do list" as the first item so I can immediately cross something off, feel like I've accomplished something, and then go off to ignore the rest. Thanks for reminding me to update my Blogroll, I'm sure the one I have now is studded with dead people, Kabuki Zero, for instance. And I, too, was struck by how easy it was to slip back here to Blogger, much easier than WordPuss.

    1. Mr Peenee - It's a sad business sometimes, to sort out a Blogroll - even my WordPress list was out of date with some bloggers not having updated for years.
      I agree, Blogger is more user friendly, so it is easy to slap up a carefree post. I'm not sure what made WordPress feel so heavy? Maybe because it's perceived as a more serious blog platform - clunky though.
      I do that with To Do Lists as well - write them and never look at them again!

  12. I fear my future self wouldn't listen to me, and I wouldn't listen to him; were both stubborn like that!

    1. Bob - That’s a very good point! I tend rebel against my To Do Lists, and go off in a sulk!

  13. Thank you, Mr Devine! Well the thing with WordPress, for me, is the cost, and the barrage of emails pestering me to upgrade to a more expensive plan, and they cancelled Mr Peenee without a fair trial - I think Blogger at least gives you the option to sort out the issues that are causing offence. And then, as we discovered, it’s very difficult to export WordPress out of the WordPress world. Swings and roundabouts. Oh, and also WordPress switched to a thing called Block Editor, and it really is a tricky bugger to use.
    Jon has got some brilliant tips for sharp photos on Blogger! He is some kind of Blogger guru!
    Right, now I need to find out what your future selves have been up to!

  14. It's like you've never been away.
    Live fast and die young, have you seen the weekly cost of the average care home in this country? Always wear something sexy when opening the door to the Wiltshire Farm Foods man, he might slip you an extra portion.

    1. Oh yes, Mitzi, the weekly cost of the average care home is astronomical. I told my mum and dad to book into The Ritz instead. I wish they had!
      Ack, The Wiltshire Farm Foods man can keep his extra portions - I am not keen on him.

    2. There could have lived on a cruise ship for less.

      Never save anything 'for best'

    3. Mitzi - I know! I use my best china everyday - I’m two eggcups down, but I don’t mind. I’m contemplating using silver knives and forks - mum and dad only ever used them at Christmas - silly really, all these bits and pieces stashed away for one day.

  15. I suspect my future self is looking forward to escaping this troubled world and floating up to paradise in a shimmering haze of pure joy. Thanks for the heads up on wellingtons, but there's so much rain a small dinghy would probably be more useful.

    1. Nick - Ha! You are correct, I needed a small dinghy this morning! Soaked through, again. My future self says to tell your future self that the weather may improve on the 10th August. Cross fingers.

    2. Cross fingers, indeed - that's my (60th) birthday! Jx

    3. OMG!! I must scribble that down somewhere so I don't forget!
      10th August 2003 was a hot one, btw, so hopefully we'll have a twenty year repeat.

    4. I remember it well. It was my 40th, we were in Brussels, and it was sweltering! Over 100F (38°C)... Jx

    5. Jon - I hope you have your umbrella tonight!

    6. Umbrella, waterproof poncho - neither was needed, although I was very glad I did bring a roll of kitchen towel as the seats were rather wet! Jx

  16. That's backwards! Usually that kind of prompt is the other way around; What would you tell your younger self. That makes more sense. My future self should already know to bring one more reusable bag to the grocery store than I think I'll need. If she hasn't figured it out by then than she's hopelessly daft. I'm hopelessly daft. Even geniuses have their moments of stupidity, not that I'm a genius, but my spectacles make me look smart. ;)

